PraKira Wood Pressed oil

Ragi Semiya Payasam Recipe (finger millet Vermicelli - Jaggery sweet)

Ragi Semiya Payasam (finger millet Vermicelli - Jaggery sweet)-how to make - step by step pictures

Ragi Semiya Payasam is a very traditional and nutritious sweet made from ragi Semiya or Shavige in kannada, Jaggery and coconut paste.

Ragi Semiya Payasam Recipe, Finger millet recipe with jaggery

This also has variant with rice semiya. semiya
Ragi Semiya payasam
Health benefits are at high level as we use ragi and jaggery both rich in iron content. Ragi rich in calcium good for bone growth in children.  Ragi semiya payasam can be had for breakfast along with its spicy version and ragi semiya payasam could also be a evening healthy and filling snack or dish up as luscious dessert option.
Here i have posted ragi semiya payasam with ready made semiya available in market, to keep the cooking simple. But you can make Ragi semiya / shavige or rice semiya /shavige at  home freshly and used in this dish.
ragi shavige payasa, finger millet vermicelli recipe


  1. Ragi semiya /Shavige (ready packet ) , steam or cook as per instruction on the pack – 1 cup
  2. Coconut – 1/2 cup
  3. Jaggery – 1/2 cup
  4. Cardamom – 2 or 3
  5. Black Til / sesame seeds / ellu  dry roasted and powdered – 1/2 teaspoon 


  1. Cook the ragi semiya as per the instruction on the packet
  2. Grind coconut , cardamom to a fine paste
  3. Dissolve jaggery on heat with some water and filter to remove any dust in jaggery 
  4. Heat a pan add grounded paste and jaggery bring to boil and cook for few minutes about  three to four minutes, remove from flame.
  5. Payasam  is ready. 
  6. Serving : take cooked semiya/shavige in serving bowl, pour some prepared payasam to this and sprinkle some dry roasted and powdered ellu / sesame on top .
  7. Can be served either hot or cold , both tastes delicious , try this at least once to have a south Indian traditional sweet.

Can try this same recipe with rice shavige as well, which is also equally tasty .....

How to make Ragi Semiya Payasam with step by step pictures 

Cook the ragi semiya as per the instruction on the packet

Ragi Semiya Payasam, finger millet sweet payasam recipe

Grind coconut, cardamom to a fine paste

Dissolve jaggery on heat with some water and filter to remove any dust in jaggery


Heat a pan add grounded paste and jaggery bring to boil and cook for few minutes about  three to four minutes, remove from flame. Payasam  is ready

Now take some cooked semiya/shavige in serving bowl , pour prepared payasam  to this and sprinkle dry roasted and powdered ellu / sesame on top

Can be served either hot or cold , both tastes delicious , try this at least once to have a south Indian traditional sweet.

You might also like to try some more of the Jaggery Recipes

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