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Aloo Fry Recipe | How to make Potato fry with boiled potatoes

Aloo Fry Recipe | How to make Potato fry with boiled potatoes 

Potato! who does not like? This Simple-Spicy Potato fry is liked by all and goes well with any Indian Bland gravies like - Sambar, Rasam and curd rice and also best combination for Obbattu Saaru

Aloo Fry Recipe, boiled potato fry

This is a never failure dish, a beginner can make this easily - you can manage without messing up with the taste.
Potato is the universal vegetable, prepared in many forms, Boiled, Toasted, Smashed, deep fried or anything - not to mention ' Loved by all' :)

Boiled and fried potatoes have unique taste. Very soft and creamy with spice added its best eaten with any rice item. Onions and garlic added gives crunch to the dish. 
If you have boiled potatoes ready in refrigerator or boiled along with dal. This potato fry takes just about 5 minutes to cook. Instant recipe !

I always make this with Pappu / dal  rasam or Thovve or with Obbatu Saaru. I usually boil potatoes along with dal to make cooking faster and easier. All together to make gravy and potato fry it just takes about 15 to 20 minutes. Quicker recipe but tasty one. 

Aloo Fry recipe, Boiled Potato Fry


Aloo Fry Recipe | How to make Potato fry with boiled potatoes 

Aloo Fry recipe, boiled potato fry

Cuisine: Indian / South Indian

Cook time: 15 minutes


  1. Potatoes - Boiled 4 nos 
  2. Onions - 2 small
  3. Garlic cloves - 6 to 7
  4. Curry leaves 
  5. Chilli powder - 1 1/2 teaspoons
  6. Turmeric - 1/4 teaspoon
  1. oil - 1 to 2 tablespoons
  2. Mustard seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
  3. Urad dal - 1/2 teaspoon
  4. Chana dal - 1/2 teaspoon


  1. Pressure cook potatoes with skin
  2. Peel off the Skin and dice them to cubes
  3. Add Chilli Powder, Turmeric and Salt
  4. Mix altogether well to coat every cube
  5. Heat 2 teaspoons of oil in fry pan and add mustard 
  6. Once mustard splutters add jeera, channa dal and Urad dal
  7. Saute until Urad and channa dal turn slightly brown, then add sliced onions, curry leaves and garlic cloves
  8. Fry until onions color change
  9. Then add potato cubes that was coated with spices
  10. Fry them for 3 to 4 minutes or until all the ingredients mix up well and blend with Potatoes


You can replace chilli powder with home made sambar powder 

Do not turn channa and urad to dark brown, keep them to light pink

Fry onions to slight color change to light brown 

If Potatoes stick to the pan while sauteing, then add some more oil and saute them 
Just sprinkle some water only if required 


Adding more onions, garlic and curry leaves gives crunch and good taste to this Aloo Fry
Do try Obbattu Saaru which is best combination for Aloo Fry 


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How to make Aloo Fry Recipe | How to make Potato fry with boiled potatoes With Step-By-Step Pictures

1. Pressure cook Potatoes with skin 

2. Peel off Skin and dice them to cubes

3. Add in Chilli powder, turmeric and salt 

4. Mix well to coat every cube

5. Heat 2 teaspoons in fry pan, add mustard, jeera, urad dal, channa dal

6. Then add sliced onions, curry leaves and garlic 

7. Fry until onions color change

8. Add potato cubes that was coated with spices

Aloo Fry recipe, boiled potato fry

9. Fry them for 3 to 4 minutes or until all the ingredients mix up well and blend with Potatoes

Aloo Fry recipe, boiled potato fry

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