PraKira Wood Pressed oil

Suvarnagedde Palya Recipe | Simple Yam dry fry - EverythingTraditional

Suvarnagedde Palya Recipe | Simple Yam dry fry - EverythingTraditional

Suvarna gedde called 'Elephant Foot Yam' in English calls for a very tasty palya or stir fry which most of us avoid due to lack of popularity of this veggie or sometimes due to itching in throat while this vegetables are eaten. And in some parts of world this is considered as a wild crop and so not consumed.

Suvarnagedde Palya recipe

Suvarna means gold in Kannada - Suvarna gedde has many health benefits - amongst are reduce hypertension and cholesterol. 

Suvarna gedde has a special taste - sometimes this can be grated and used to make veggie spicy balls curry which tastes similar to meat balls. 

Elephant yam dry fry, Suvarnagedde palya

Here i am showing simple stir fry or palya which pairs well with sambar, rasam or curd rice. Just need to take care - sometimes this Yam can create itching in the throat, to avoid this boil or soak this in tamarind water for a few minutes. 

Suvarnagedde Palya Recipe | Simple Yam dry fry

simple yam dry fry recipe 

Cuisine: Indian / South Indian

Cook time: 15 minutes

Ingredients for Suvarnagedde palya recipe 

  1. Suvarnagedde / yam - 1/4 kg
  2. Curry leaves - few
  3. Turmeric powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  4. Chilli powder - 1 teaspoon
  5. Salt 
  6. Oil - 2 table spoons
  7. Mustard - 1/4 teaspoon
  8. Jeera/ Cumin - 1/4 teaspoon
  9. Urad dal - 1/2 teaspoon
  10. Chana dal - 1/2 teaspoon

Elephant yam stir fry recipe


  1. Wash, peel the skin and chop Suvarnagedde into small pieces as shown 

  2.  Heat 2 teaspoons oil in a fry pan add mustard 

  3.  Once mustard splutters add in Jeera / cumin seeds, urad dal and chana dal, saute till urad and chana turn its color 

  4.  Add chopped yam and curry leaves and saute for 2 minutes  

  5. Add turmeric and chilli powder 

  6. Add required salt and stir fry

  7. Add 1/4 cup water and cook until yam is cooked well

  8. Suvarnagedde / Yam stir fry is ready to be served


Suvarnagedde / yam sometimes can create itching in throat, soaking or boiling yam in tamarind water reduce this


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How to make Suvarnagedde Palya Recipe | Simple Yam dry fry with Step-by-step pictures

1. Wash, peel the skin and chop Suvarnagedde into small pieces as shown

2. Heat 2 teaspoons oil in a fry pan add mustard 

3. Once mustard splutters add in Jeera / cumin seeds, urad dal and chana dal, saute till urad and chana turn its color 

4. Add chopped yam and curry leaves and saute for 2 minutes

Suvarnagedde palya recipe, yam dry fry

5. Add turmeric and chilli powder

6. Add required salt and stir fry 

Simple yam dry fry recipe

7. Add 1/4 cup water and cook until yam is cooked well

8. Suvarnagedde / Yam stir fry is ready to be served

Suvarnagedde palya recipe, Yam dry fry

Yam dry fry recipe, suvarnagedde palya

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